January Favourites!

So the first thing I've been loving this month is the Soap & Glory Endless Glove Hand Cream.
My hands get so dry from working in a kitchen, and the cold winter weather really isn't helping but i've been using this generously every night and its really helped lock the moisture into my hands.

My second favourite is the No7 Protect & Perfect Intense Night Cream. I have used night creams in the past, but have often found them leaving my skin a bit sticky? And I hate that feeling going to bed, and feeling all moist when you wake up! But this is the first one I've tried that actually hasn't done that. It's such a light moisturiser and sinks right into the skin.

My last beauty Favourite is the Naked Lips Organic Lip Balm which I got in my January Glossybox. It's all natural ingredients for a start, which I love. It tastes a-mazing. Like seriously amazing! And I've felt a real difference in the dryness of my lips; and they haven't been cracking as much since I started using it. 

My favourite book of this month is without a doubt 'Vincent' a graphic novel by Barbara Stok. I absolutely love Van Gogh, he's probably my favourite artist, and this book illustrates the period of time he spent in France. I just love the way the illustration style changes to convey his different mental states; (like when he is depressed he is shown with dots around him.) 

Finally, I have been playing the new Fall Out Boy album 'American Beauty/ American Psycho' non stop since it was released. My favourite tracks are 'Uma Thurman', 'Fourth of July' and especially 'Immortals' as it was written for the new Disney film Big Hero 6, which I loved so much. I would urge everyone to go and see it!



  1. My mom has been telling me to see Big Hero 6! Looks so good.

    :] // ▲ itsCarmen.com ▲

  2. You can never go wrong with Soap and Glory, I love all of their products! Great post X


  3. Great favourites :) I love your blog and I have followed you with Bloglovin. If you ever get a chance to check out my blog I would be delighted, thanks!

    Camille xo

