The Autumn Tag!

Autumn is by far my favourite time of year, and what better way to start the season than this tag I found from :)

1)What's your favourite seasonal drink from Starbucks or another coffee shop?
I'm really enjoying the salted caramel hot chocolate from Starbucks, or anywhere that sells anything with cinnamon in it I am all over!

2)Accessories - what do you opt for scarf, boots, gloves?
Scarf, without a doubt. Me and scarves have the biggest love affair; I pretty much wear them all year round as it is. I just love them.

3)Music - what's your favorite music to listen to during Autumn?
Every year around this time I always go back to my old favourites Rex Goudie and Jimmy Eat World. The tones in their music just always seems to blend perfectly with the dark nights and rainy weather. 

4)Perfume - what's your favourite scent for this time of year?
Intimately- Victoria Beckham.  

5)Candles - what scents will you be burning this season?
I'm already eyeing up the Halloween Yankee Candle, as well as anything pumpkin/cinnamon/apple spiced scented always makes me feel cosy and autumn-y 

6)What do you love most about Autumn?
The beautiful colours in the leaves, conkers, comfort food, the crisp breezes, getting my jumpers and scarves out.

7)Favorite makeup look?
Gold and brown shades of eyeshadow, a bit of highlighter on the cheeks for a dewy look, matte bronzer for a slight contour and nude lips. 

8)What are you looking forward to most in Autumn?
Getting the blankets out and curling up on the sofa/ in bed. And getting back into watching all the American TV shows that have just started new seasons. 


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