I'm not really a huge fan of the whole 'New Years Resolution' thing, but I do like the set myself a bunch of goals for myself for the year ahead and then it gives me some things to look forward to and look back on to see what I've achieved.
So here's my list for 2015:
1. Learn the Ukulele
-My boyfriend bought me one for my birthday and I'm so excited to get leaning a new skill!
2. Keep my savings going.
-I'm almost at my target of what I need for my Masters degree and I've worked my butt off to get that much saved up.
3. Apply for my Masters
- I've always said I'll apply within 2 years of leaving uni, and this is the year. I'm so ready to get back into education.
4. Keep in touch with my family and friends.
-The past few months have been a bit hectic and I've not been as social as I probably should have been so I'm going to rectify that this year.
5. Go on walks
-When the weather gets a bit better, I plan on walking more, and exploring the neighbourhood I live in. And it's a good excuse to get my camera out and photograph the scenery.
6. Move into a better flat/house.
-To put it short, the flat I'm currently in is pretty much falling apart. Our contract is up in March so we'll hopefully be heading for somewhere new!
7. Get a cat
-When we've moved into said new home, me and my boyfriend are really wanting a little cat friend to join us! So fingers crossed!
8. Read a wider variety of books.
-There are so many books on my shelf that I haven't read yet, I'm desperate to get stuck into my art history books, as well as the crime/thrillers and autobiographies that I didn't read last year!
9. Take more risks and don't be afraid to try new things.
-ill be having my first skiing lesson soon (thanks to my lovely boyfriend) which is something I never thought I'd do and it will take a damn huge amount of courage but I'm really looking forward to it! And after that who knows what I'll try next!
10. Clear out everything that's still at my Mums house.
-Blimey, I have so much stuff I don't even know where to start and my mum wants to convert my bedroom so I can't keep it there forever.
11. Attempt some different cooking recipes.
-It always feels like I'm stuck cooking meals that I'm safe with and I know what I'm doing, so I think at least once a month I'd like to give something new a go!
12. Have a more relaxed attitude.
-I have been known to be a bit 'anal' around the house, when it comes to having things a certain way or in the right place, and I've come to realise that in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter all that much and I just need to chill out a bit!
13. Create more.
-I miss doing arty things. Taking photos, drawing (badly) creating collages, and my sewing machine especially has been an absent friend for the past year.
14. Learn to speak Dutch.
-I went to Amsterdam last year and it swiftly became one of my favourite places. If not for the Van Gogh Museum alone. I'll certainly be going back and I want to be able to speak at least basic Dutch.
15. Make more of an effort with the people that matter.
-There are some pretty important people that I should be a lot closer to and I really want to make the most effort to keep them in my life.